jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

Miami Ayuda A Chile Raffle

Buy a raffle ticket and help support Chile! Win 2 plane tickets to South America, an i-Pad or a variety of other prizes. The raffle will be tomorrow night (3.26.10) at the Miami Ayuda a Chile event at Bongos Cafe. Attendance is not necessary to win, and the winning number will be posted online at www.manosdelsur.org. After your purchase your ticket, I will email you a scan of filled out ticket.

lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

Fishing and Seafood with Friends

Mario and I had a very nice, relaxing weekend. Friday we had the day off work and we took the chance to use the fishing charter that we had won in the silent auction. We lucked out, because it was a beautiful day and the fish were biting nicely. We caught a ton of bonitas (which unfortunatly aren't very good eating), a king mackerel, a tuna, and a dolphin (which was to small to keep). For lunch Friday, we grilled the mackerel, and OH BOY it was delicious! Saturday night we repeated with Friends- and this time we fried it. Also really good!

Showing off the Dolphin Fish

Our guide Gus with one of the Bonitas

Friday night my friend Becca and her boyfriend Mark stayed the night with us. It was Becca's Bday, so I made her a cake and we celebrated with raviolis (Becca's fave) and drinks :) On Saturday, we went with Becca and Mark out for a seafood lunch, before they headed out for their 5 day cruise of the Caribbean. We really enjoyed their visit- only wish they had stayed longer!

Becca's Cake

Becca and Mark enjoying the great seafood of Fort Lauderdale

martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

Partying, Boating, and soon to come... Fishing

So this past week we was a really nice one. Last Thursday we went with our friends/ neighbors, Danny & Lenka, to a charity silent auction/ open bar party that the Junior League put on. We had a lot of fun, and Mario and I won a fishing trip that we will be taking this Friday. It should be a good time! Hopefully next week I will be posting some pictures of some big fish!

Mario, Lenka, & Danny Enjoying the Riverwalk-Run Pre-Race Party

Saturday, we met up with my friend Allie and her daughter Evelyn at the St. Patty's festival in downtown Fort Lauderdale. But, it was really hot out, and Matteo was in a mood, so we didn't stick around for too long. On Sunday, we went out on Danny & Lenka's boat with them. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful day for cruising. Matteo even enjoyed driving the boat.

Evelyn looking quite pretty in her St. Patty's Day dress.

Matteo driving the boat!

miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Dancing with Friends

A few weeks ago, we went over to our friends Rodrigo & Jessica's house for a bar-b-que. Matteo had a grand time dancing with his friend Sofia.

Aren't they cute?!?

A Great Trip to Panama

Matteo and I spent the last week visiting my parents in Panama- and we really had a great time. We had 3 full days at my parents house, and two days at a beach resort in the Pacific. Matteo loved all the animals on the farm, and he especially enjoyed imitating them. He even learned to say "cow", "vaca", and "kitty". We all had a great time at the beach, as the resort was located on a really beautiful island. While the highlights for Matteo were seeing his grandparents, the animals on the farm, and the waves on the beach, I most enjoyed fishing with my Dad and making ice cream from fresh milk with my Mom.

Check out the video of Matteo with the parrots.

Here is a picture of the little house we stayed in on the island in Panama.