jueves, 28 de enero de 2010

Matteo's New Word!

Matteo is saying "No"...... Actually, it's pretty cute, he shake's his finger at you and says "no no." He just gets cooler everyday. Here is a picture of Matteo on the swing at the park yesterday.

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010

Matteo 15 Months

Our little Matteo is growing up so fast! Yesterday he had is 15 month doctor appt., which went smoothly, except that Matteo is terrified of the Dr. because of the shots and he screamed and clung to me the whole time we were there. Next time it is Daddy's turn. Here's a new pic for all of his fans.

miércoles, 20 de enero de 2010

Miami Tropical Gardens

Last weekend my Mom visited us, and since Monday was a holiday, we went to the Miami Tropical Gardens. This has become one of my favorite places in Miami (Mario and I are members :) . It is just so beautiful and always make for a very relaxing day trip. This weekend, Matteo and I are going to visit the gardens on Saturday- they are having a chocolate festival!

martes, 19 de enero de 2010

The Herane Family Blog

A good friend of mine inspired me to start this blog. She has a great blog, and I have really enjoyed being able to keep up with her and her family. Knowing that our family and many of our friends live so far away, I have decided that this would be a good way to keep up with us. I hope you all enjoy reading about the Herane Family adventures. XXOO- Katie, Mario, Matteo, & Guinness